Jiarui Li's knowledge and expertise are invaluable to passionate youth from around the world and will continue inspiring them through their learning jounrey. It is our sincere wish that these young talents will become future leaders and leverage AI technologies to make positive changes in society.
As Microsoft MVPs, we are always excited to hear “Thank you for sharing. Your project helps us to understand how AI-related projects can make a positive difference in the world
欢迎来到 Azure Show 的从零开始,第一期的嘉宾 Rui Li,李佳芮句子互动创始人,连续创业者,微软人工智能最有价值专家(AI MVP),GitHub 10000+ Stars开源项目Wechaty作者,创建并管理了覆盖全球的微信聊天机器人开发者社区,《Chatbot从0到1:对话式交互设计指南》作者。句子互动围绕微信生态为客户提供智能营销和销售服务,帮助企业引流并实现转化,客户覆盖教育、保险、大健康等多个领域。曾入选百度AI加速器,获得PreAngel、Plug and Play,Y Combination, TSVC和阿尔法公社多家中美机构投资。
The Global AI Bootcamp is a free one-day event organized across the world by local communities that are passionate about artificial intelligence. 李佳芮,句子互动创始人 & CEO,微软 AI MVP,连续创业者,微信生态产品的开发、运营专家。过去六年中,曾为百余家企业提供微信生态技术和运营服务,包括亚马逊、腾讯、京东、新华网、联想、微软、飞利浦、鹏金所等。
Global AI Bootcamp是微软发起的全球AI开发者训练营活动,旨在凝聚全球的开发者共同学习交流,共同推进人工智能行业快速发展。在2019年12月14日同一天内,全球几十个国家,130个城市,上万人共同参与了这场AI人的狂欢盛会。当日18点30分,AI Bootcamp北京站也在宇宙中心五道口PNP创业孵化器内如期开幕,近百名中国AI开发者参与活动,聆听八位业内专家倾囊分享。