Jiarui Li's knowledge and expertise are invaluable to passionate youth from around the world and will continue inspiring them through their learning jounrey. It is our sincere wish that these young talents will become future leaders and leverage AI technologies to make positive changes in society.
As Microsoft MVPs, we are always excited to hear “Thank you for sharing. Your project helps us to understand how AI-related projects can make a positive difference in the world
欢迎来到 Azure Show 的从零开始,第一期的嘉宾 Rui Li,李佳芮句子互动创始人,连续创业者,微软人工智能最有价值专家(AI MVP),GitHub 10000+ Stars开源项目Wechaty作者,创建并管理了覆盖全球的微信聊天机器人开发者社区,《Chatbot从0到1:对话式交互设计指南》作者。句子互动围绕微信生态为客户提供智能营销和销售服务,帮助企业引流并实现转化,客户覆盖教育、保险、大健康等多个领域。曾入选百度AI加速器,获得PreAngel、Plug and Play,Y Combination, TSVC和阿尔法公社多家中美机构投资。
进了YC就跟进了名校一个道理,基本可以和成功画个等号了,还说不定一不留神就可以成为独角兽。那么,进入YC到底是一种怎样的体验?从三个月集训到Demo Day,入选的公司都会经历些什么?今天是YC 2019冬季班Demo Day的日子,我们请特意到了入选这一期的创业者、桔子互动的创始人李佳芮,来给我们讲讲她在YC故事。
We turn not older with years,but newer every day. 我们并非在年复一年地变老,而是日复一日地焕然一新。——艾米莉 · 狄金森